
Guns & Scopes
Used Price is your answer for up to date used gun prices or gun appraisals on the Internet. We offer a very comprehensive used gun price guide or gun and scopes blue book with the most complete and accurate database of used gun values.
If you've ever wondered, "What is my gun worth?". Whether you're looking for a handgun value, rifle value or rifle prices we can help identify a vast amount of used firearms and provide up to date gun pricing.
We provide reliable used gun blue book and appraisal pricing information to collectors, pawn store, manufacturers, law enforcement personnel and more. Simply enter the gun's Model Number or its Manufacturer & Type and receive your used gun values. We have an extensive blue book database of used gun pricing including top manufacturers such as Remington, Winchester and Smith & Wesson.
Orion Blue Books has now combined efforts with UsedPrice.com to bring you the largest blue book and appraisal source for used pricing. Used Price has created a very comprehensive and large database for guns value. We also provide suggested retail price, user reviews and comments, years of product availability and specs, all in one convenient location.